Dr. Hrishikesh Kumar

Head, Department of Neurology
In charge

Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders Program
Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata, India

Major Achievements :  (Honors/Awards/ Publications)

  • Founder President of Parkinson’s Welfare Society of Kolkata
  • Co-author of Canadian guidelines on Parkinson’s disease 2012
  • Queens Square-Indian Academy of Neurology fellowship, 2006
  • Patricia Harris award for the best studentship in NHNN, Queens square for year 2006-7


Publications: Several publications in National and International journals and Books

Membership to Professional Bodies: MDS,  MDSI, IAN, AAN; President of Parkinsons Welfare Society of Kolkata

Other interests: Advocacy for Parkinson’s Disease, Sports (Long distance running, chess, badminton).


  • Hrishikesh Kumar (MD, DM) received doctoral training from India in Internal Medicine and in Neurology in 2001 and 2004 respectively
  • He received fellowship training in Clinical Movement Disorders and Motor Neurosciences at Institute of Neurology, UCL, London  (UK) and UWO, Canada.
  • He received Patt Harris award for the best studentship at Institute of Neurology, Queens Square, London in 2006-7.